The Swiss Tech Story

Switzerland has a rich history of craftsmen that dates back to medieval times. The Swiss have a distinct aesthetic earned over a thousand years. They are known for quality and precision. It was this heritage that inspired Swiss-American Engineer Larry K. Legg to start a micro hand tool company called Swiss Tech, from his Ohio-based garage in 1994.

Inspired by Swiss craftsmanship, Legg saw an opportunity to innovate by creating precision tools that were more portable than what was then available. Swiss Tech would go on to earn a number of patents and become an international brand almost overnight. Today, Legg’s legacy and the Swiss Tech brand are proudly carried on by Greatstar USA, a subsidiary of Greatstar Group.

Greatstar USA seeks to carry on Swiss Tech’s legacy of innovation by creating breakthrough products that are both useful and beautiful. That’s because we believe to honor the Swiss name, our tools must be more than functional. They should be objects of desire. They should be items you want to hold, and they should be created with meticulous precision.

We believe tools should be more than functional. They should be objects of desire.

Swiss Tech is the leader in delivering crafted tools, lighting, and accessories that enhance your life through form and function.

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